Tuesday, August 22, 2023

investing - Dollar cost average

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401k/403b Strategy

Usually, 401k does not offer stock buying. it only offers Target funds or Mutual Funds.  Company only allows to offer employee Mutual Funds to pick for the 401k or 403b program.



401k/403b Investments Choices

  1. DIGITAL ADVISOR - Go through QA, answer a few questions regarding the goals and risk tolerance. Computer will recommend the funds for you.   I personally do not like this, but this is the right way to do as well.  I think most of the friends and family members do that method.  Most of us are not experts in pick mutual funds or which funds to buy.
  2. BUY TARGET FUNDS   -- Buy fund based on your retirement years. For example, if the investor turns 60-65 in year 2040-2045, then the fund to consider buying is Target fun 2040 or 2045.  For example in Vanguard Brokerage, it would be Vanguard Target Retirement 2045 Fund;Investor Fund: VTIVX.
  3. Buy Individual INDEX Mutual Fund. (For Intermediate to Advance Investor) Investor can pick thier own INDEX fund and the percentages of each fund based on the Investor's retirement years.  INDEX fund usually has lower fee than the return Mutual Funds.
  4. Buy Individual Managed Mutual Fund. (For Intermediate to Advance Investor) Investor can pick their own fund and the percentages of each fund based on the Investor's retirement years.  INDEX fund usually has lower fee than the return Mutual Funds.  A few Managed Mutual fund, however, perform better than INDEX funds.  Mostly Index funds in longer terms outperform managed Mutual Funds due to the higher fee reduced the fund performance.
  5. Using Financial Wisdom Strategy. which is using Choice #3, or Choice #4, but not buy and hold.  we sell mutual funds or Index funds when MACD Weekly Crosses below.
  6. Using 200 day moving average, to enter and exit to get better return.
  7. Any other, please suggest.

I think the next question I have is how you know which index mutual fund to pick. They have large cap , mid cap,  small cap, and international fund. Do you apply the same strategy? How do we do the back test for different funds? 

For example, one investor have have this.

40% international fund
40% large cap fund
20% small cap fund

If one fund is below 200 day SMA, we exit and keep cash. The other is not below 200 day SMA, we keep.  The portfolio is not diversified or balanced anymore.  Is that going to effect the performance of the returns?

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